A web app for tracking evidence during contracts in the game Phasmophobia. This is a supplemental tool for the journal on hunts. View the source on github and submit bugs/suggestions here.

Min. Mode Toggle Instructions Toggle Ghost Info Toggle Orb Reset


  1. Type in the name of your ghost in the Ghost Name text box.
  2. Click the "Shy Ghost" box if the ghost prefers hunters to be alone
  3. Click any optional objectives for easier tracking once you're in the house
  4. Click evidence as you find it. As you select evidence the ghosts below narrow down to possible choices.
  5. Once your contract is finished, click the "Reset" button near the top to start over!

Ghost Information:

Type in your ghost name and select Shy Ghost if the ghost prefers speaking to people alone.

Cursed Possession:

You will always find a cursed possession during each contract. Each item has been reported to have paranormal abilities that can help you investigate.
Be warned, using these items will lower your sanity. Make sure you're sane enough, otherwise they may break and initiate an attack from the ghost.

Optional Objectives:

Select your optional objectives for the contract here.

Confirmed Evidence:

Track found evidence here. Slide left for confirmed evidence and right for eliminated evidence. If you are playing on Nightmare difficulty select Nightmare to account for one piece of evidence being hidden.

Please select up to 3 pieces of evidence to narrow down the spookster. Click it again to eliminate it as a possibility.

Possible Ghosts:


The singing siren, known for attracting its victims through song. It has been known to single out its prey before making a killing blow.

Unique Strengths

Banshees will weaken their target before striking.


Banshees can sometimes be heard screaming with a parabolic microphone.

Unique Features

  • When Hunting, it targets only one person. If the hunt target is outside the building, it will hunt like any other ghost, chasing any opportune player.
  • When Hunting, and the main target dies, it will target another player.
  • Average Sanity Hunt is target dependant and not average sanity.
  • Ghost Events are likely to be the singing-based ones.
  • Sanity Loss of 15% instead of 10% from target player when colliding with ghost during singing ghost events.
  • Parabolic Microphone has a chance for a unique wailing sound.
  • Roaming will happen often towards their target.


  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Orb
  • D.O.T.S Projector


Demons are the most aggressive ghosts we've ever encountered. Known to attack without reason, they seem to enjoy the thrill of the hunt.

Unique Strengths

Demons will initiate hunts more often than other ghosts.


Demons fear the Crucifix and will be less aggressive near one.

Unique Features

  • Hunt Initiation can happen at any average sanity. Even 100%.
  • Hunt Initiation blocking range of Crucifixes increased from 3m to 5m.
  • Average Sanity Hunt at 70%.
  • Smudge Stick Hunt Prevention is reduced from 90 seconds to 60 seconds.
  • Minimum hunt time cooldown is reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.


  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Writing
  • Freezing Temperatures


Sometimes surrounded by an endless fog, Deogen have been eluding ghost hunters for years. These ghosts have been reported to find even the most hidden prey, before stalking them into exhaustion.

Unique Strengths

Deogen constantly sense the living. You can run but you can't hide.


Deogen require a lot of energy to form and will move very slowly when approaching its victim.

Unique Features

  • Average Sanity Hunt at 40%.
  • Hunting Speed increased by 75% when more than 6m away. Below 6m, the ghost becomes much slower as it approaches the player.
  • When Hunting, it always has line of sight with all players (hiding spots don't work) and will occasionally repick the nearest target throughout the hunt.
  • When Hunting, it is invisible for shorter intervals.
  • Will show up more often as a silhouette on the D.O.T.S Projector.
  • Can produce a unique heavy bull-like breathing within 1 meter.
  • Using a Smudge Stick will force it to repick the nearest target when the smudge effect runs out.
  • Nightmare Evidence will always be Spirit Box.


  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Writing
  • D.O.T.S Projector


When a Goryo passes through a D.O.T.S Projector, using a video camera is the only way to see it.

Unique Strengths

A Goryo will usually only show itself on camera if there are no people nearby.


They are rarely seen far from their place of death.

Unique Features

  • D.O.T.S can only be seen through a video camera.
  • Will not interact with D.O.T.S if any player is in the same room as the ghost.
  • Will never change room or roam long distances.
  • Nightmare Evidence will always be D.O.T.S.


  • EMF Level 5
  • Fingerprints
  • D.O.T.S Projector


A Hantu is a rare ghost that can be found in the coldest climates.The cold seems to make them more aggressive and empowered.

Unique Strengths

Lower temperatures can cause the Hantu to move at faster speeds.


Hantus move slower in warmer areas.

Unique Features

  • When Hunting, you can see freezing breath from the ghost if the breaker is off.
  • Hunting Speed increases depending on temperature in rooms below 15°C, up to 60% below 0°C.
  • Hunting Speed decreased by 20% in rooms above 15°C.
  • Hunting Speed does not increase when in line of sight of a player.
  • Breaker has an increased chance to be turned OFF.
  • Nightmare Evidence will always be freezing temperatures.


  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Orb
  • Freezing Temperatures


A Jinn is a territorial Ghost that will attack when threatened. It has also been known to be able to travel at significant speed.

Unique Strengths

A Jinn will travel at a faster speed if its victim is far away.


Turning off the locations power source will prevent the Jinn from using its ability.

Unique Features

  • Hunting Speed increased by 50% if in line of sight and the player is over 3m away, while the breaker is ON.
  • Sanity Loss by 25% using an ability if you stand within 3m of the ghost and if the breaker is ON.
  • Breaker cannot be turned OFF by ghost interaction.


  • EMF Level 5
  • Fingerprints
  • Freezing Temperatures


A Mare is the source of all nightmares, making it most powerful in the dark.

Unique Strengths

A Mare will have an increased chance to attack in the dark.


Turning the lights ON around the Mare will lower its chance to attack.

Unique Features

  • When Hunting, they are more likely to turn OFF lights than any other form of interaction.
  • Average Sanity Hunt threshold with lights ON is at 40% and 60% with lights OFF.
  • Ghost Events are more likely to be breaking a light bulb.
  • Lights can be turned OFF immediately after you turn them ON. Cannot be spammed.
  • Lights cannot be turned ON by ghost.
  • Roaming long range has a higher chance to happen if the lights are ON in the room.


  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Orb
  • Ghost Writing

The Mimic

The Mimic is an elusive, mysterious, copycat ghost that mirrors traits and behaviours from others, including other ghost types.

Unique Strengths

We're unsure what this ghost is capable of. Be careful.


Several reports have noted ghost orbs sightings near mimics.

Unique Features

  • Ghost Orbs will appear as a 4th piece of evidence.
  • Can imitate traits of other ghosts, including hunting early.
  • Changes what traits to imitate every 30 to 120 seconds, but never during a hunt.


  • Spirit Box
  • Fingerprints
  • Freezing Temperatures
  • Ghost Orb


Moroi have risen from the grave to drain energy from the living. They have been known to place curses on their victims, curable only by antidotes or moving very far away.

Unique Strengths

The weaker their victims, the stronger the Moroi becomes.


Moroi suffer from hyperosmia, weakening them for longer periods.

Unique Features

  • Hunting Speed is 10% slower above 45% average sanity, gradually increasing to 30% faster at 0% average sanity.
  • Hunting Speed will continuously accelerate with line of sight.
  • Sanity Loss: Getting a Spirit Box response will curse the player, doubling their passive sanity drain, and standing in a lit area will not stop the sanity drain.
  • The curse will pause when outside of the house, and start again when back inside.
  • Sanity Pills will break the curse.
  • Multiple players can be cursed at the same time.
  • Smudging the Moroi during a hunt will cause it to wander for 12 seconds (instead of 6 seconds).
  • Nightmare Evidence will always be Spirit Box.


  • Spirit Box
  • Freezing Temperatures
  • Ghost Writing


A Myling is a very vocal and active ghost. They are rumoured to be quiet when hunting their prey.

Unique Strengths

A Myling is known to be quieter when hunting.


Mylings more frequently make paranormal sounds.

Unique Features

  • When Hunting, footsteps and ghost vocalisations can only be heard within 12m of the player (same distance as electronic interference).
  • Produces paranormal sounds through the Parabolic Microphone more frequently.


  • EMF Level 5
  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Writing


Obake are terrifying shape-shifters, capable of taking on many forms. They have been seen taking on humanoid shapes to attract their prey.

Unique Strengths

When interacting with the environment, an Obake will rarely leave a trace.


Sometimes this ghost will shapeshift, leaving behind unique evidence.

Unique Features

  • When Hunting, may temporarily change into a different ghost's form.
  • Fingerprints can show six-fingered handprint.
  • Fingerprints can show two fingerprints on light switches (instead of one).
  • Fingerprints have a 75% chance of showing.
  • Fingerprints' remaining time can randomly be cut in half. Can happen multiple times in quick succession, making it possible for fingerprints to only last for mere seconds.
  • Nightmare Evidence will always be fingerprints.


  • EMF Level 5
  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Orb


Onis love to scare their victims as much as possible before attacking. They are often seen in their physical form guarding their place of death.

Unique Strengths

Onis are more active when people are nearby and have been seen moving objects at great speed.


Onis are very active, making them easier to find.

Unique Features

  • When Hunting, the ghost will flash visible for longer durations, making it easier to take a photo of.
  • Ghost Events will never be ghost mist/airball.
  • Ghost Events prefers full manifestation over shadowy or translucent ones.
  • Sanity Loss of 20% instead of 10% when colliding with the target player during a ghost event.
  • Interactions happen more frequently when players are nearby.


  • EMF Level 5
  • Freezing Temperatures
  • D.O.T.S Projector


The Onryo is often referred to as "The Wrathful Spirit". It steals souls from dying victims' bodies to seek revenge. This ghost has been known to fear any form of fire, and will do anything to be far from it.

Unique Strengths

Extinguishing a flame can cause an Onryo to attack.


When threatened, this ghost will be less likely to hunt.

Unique Features

  • Hunt Initiation cannot occur when ghost is within 4m of a lit candle, a lighter, or a campfire.
  • Hunt Initiation will prioritize blowing out lit candles, lighters, and campfires over burning a crucifix.
  • Hunt Initiation triggers every third blow out of a lit candle, a lighter, or a campfire. This hunt can still be blocked by an additional nearby flame or crucifix.
  • Average Sanity Hunt at 60%.
  • Blows out lit candles, lighters, and campfires more frequently. Increases further with the number of dead players.


  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Orb
  • Freezing Temperatures


A Phantom is a Ghost that can possess the living, inducing fear into those around it. They are most commonly summoned from Ouija Boards.

Unique Strengths

Looking at a Phantom will drop your sanity considerably faster.


Taking a photo of the Phantom will make it temporarily disappear.

Unique Features

  • When Hunting, the ghost is invisible for twice as much of the time.
  • Sanity Loss of 0.5%/sec occurs while being in line of sight within 10m of the ghost during a ghost event or hunt.
  • Ghost pictures listed in the journal will not show the ghost in the image, and will not contain any interference.
  • May pick a random player inside the house and walk to them no matter the distance.


  • Spirit Box
  • Fingerprints
  • D.O.T.S Projector


One of the most famous Ghosts, the Poltergeist. Known to manipulate objects around it to spread fear into its victims.

Unique Strengths

Poltergeists can throw multiple objects at once, and with great force.


With nothing to throw, Poltergeists become powerless.

Unique Features

  • When Hunting, will throw nearby objects twice as often.
  • Interactions may throw multiple objects at once.
  • Interactions may throw an object with twice the force.
  • Sanity Loss of 2% for every thrown object to all nearby players when multiple objects are thrown at once.
  • Activity Monitor can show similar to EMF 5 spike (jump 0 to 5 bar then drop down) due to throwing multiple objects at once.


  • Spirit Box
  • Fingerprints
  • Ghost Writing


A Raiju is a demon that thrives on electrical current. While generally calm, they can become agitated when overwhelmed with power.

Unique Strengths

A Raiju can siphon power from nearby electrical devices, making it move faster.


Raiju are constantly disrupting electronic equipment, making it easier to track when attacking.

Unique Features

  • Hunting Speed increases by 50% when in range of any active electrical equipment.
  • Average Sanity Hunt is increased from 50% to 65% when nearby active electrical equipment.
  • Interferes with electronics up to 15m (instead of 10m) away on the same floor during hunts and ghost events.


  • EMF Level 5
  • Ghost Orb
  • D.O.T.S Projector


A Revenant is a violent ghost that will attack indiscriminately. Their speed can be deceiving, as they are slow while dormant: however, as soon as they hunt they can move incredibly fast.

Unique Strengths

A Revenant will travel at a significantly faster speed when hunting their prey.


Hiding from the Revenant will cause it to move very slowly.

Unique Features

  • Hunting Speed increases by 75% when chasing or moving towards a player's last known position whether detected by seeing or hearing the player, or sensing held active electronics.
  • Hunting Speed decreases by 40% when roaming.
  • Hunting Speed decelerates over 2.7 seconds when returning to roaming.


  • Ghost Orb
  • Ghost Writing
  • Freezing Temperatures


A Shade is known to be very shy. There is evidence that a Shade will stop all paranormal activity if there are multiple people nearby.

Unique Strengths

Shades are much harder to find.


The Ghost will not enter a hunt if there are multiple people nearby.

Unique Features

  • Hunt Initiation cannot happen if a player is in the same room as the ghost.
  • Average Sanity Hunt at 35%.
  • Ghost Events likelihood based on the average sanity. The chance starts at 0% at 100% sanity, and gradually increases to 100% at 50% sanity.
  • Ghost Events are likely to be ghost mist/airball (audio ones with the breath, hiss, or woosh).
  • Ghost Events showing its form are likely to be a shadowy figure.
  • Interactions cannot be thrown object if a player is in the same room as the ghost.
  • When made to appear using a Summoning Circle or a Music Box, it has a chance of appearing as a black shadow rather than its full form while stationary.


  • EMF Level 5
  • Ghost Writing
  • Freezing Temperatures


Spirits are very common ghosts. They are very powerful, but passive, only attacking when they need to. They defend their place of death to the utmost degree, killing anyone that is caught overstaying their welcome.

Unique Strengths



A Spirit can be temporarily stopped by burning Smudge Sticks near them.

Unique Features

  • Smudge Stick Hunt Prevention is increased from 90 seconds to 180 seconds.


  • EMF Level 5
  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Writing


Thaye have been known to rapidly age over time, even in the afterlife. From what we've learned, they seem to deteriorate faster while within the presence of the living.

Unique Strengths

Upon entering the location, Thaye will become active, defensive and agile.


Thaye will weaken over time, making them weaker, slower and less aggressive.

Unique Features

  • Average Sanity Hunt starts at 75%. Decreases each time the ghost ages, stopping at 15%.
  • Hunting Speed increased by 60% at start. Decreases each time the ghost ages, stopping at 1/3 of the initial speed (slower than players).
  • Interactions and Ghost Events happen very frequently at start. Decreases each time the ghost ages, stopping at 1/4 of the initial frequency.
  • Does not speed up with line of sight of a player.
  • Only ages when a player is in the same room as the ghost.


  • Ghost Orb
  • Ghost Writing
  • D.O.T.S Projector

The Twins

These ghosts have been reported to mimic each other's actions. They alternate their attacks to confuse their prey.

Unique Strengths

Either Twin can be angered and initiate an attack on their prey.


The Twins will often interact with the environment at the same time.

Unique Features

  • Hunt Initiation can occur where either twin is currently located. This includes the Summoning Circle.
  • Hunt Initiation from the alt-twin will interact with something firs then immediately hunt.
  • Hunting Speed is decreased by 10% for the twin that is in the ghost room.
  • Hunting Speed is increased by 10% for the alt-twin that is not in the ghost room.
  • Interactions may occur in two separate areas of the room/map almost at the same time.
  • Activity Monitor will show an initial climb then level off followed by an immediate spike indicating a double interaction.
  • Evidence will not be available from the alt-twin except EMF 5.


  • EMF Level 5
  • Spirit Box
  • Freezing Temperatures


Wraiths are one of the most dangerous Ghosts you will find. It is also the only known Ghost that has the ability of flight and has sometimes been known to travel through walls.

Unique Strengths

Wraiths almost never touch the ground meaning it can't be tracked by footsteps.


Wraiths have a toxic reaction to Salt.

Unique Features

  • Will never step in a salt pile.
  • May teleport to a random player, generating an EMF 2 even with no items to interact with.


  • EMF Level 5
  • Spirit Box
  • D.O.T.S Projector


Yokai are common ghosts that are attracted to human voices. They can usually be found haunting family homes.

Unique Strengths

Talking near a Yokai will anger it, increasing the chance of an attack.


When hunting, a Yokai can only hear voices close to it.

Unique Features

  • When Hunting, it can only hear players or sense handheld active electronics that are within 2.5m away.
  • Average Sanity Hunt is increased from 50% to 80% if continuously talking near the ghost.
  • Interactions increased when continuously talking near the ghost.


  • Spirit Box
  • Ghost Orb
  • D.O.T.S Projector


A Yurei is a Ghost that has returned to the physical world, usually for the purpose of revenge or hatred.

Unique Strengths

Yureis have been known to have a stronger effect on peoples sanity.


Smudging the Yurei's place of death will trap it temporarily, reducing how much it wanders

Unique Features

  • Sanity Loss of 15% from fully closing a door near you.
  • Smudge Stick Hunt Prevention will prevent the ghost from leaving the area for 90 seconds.
  • More frequently closes doors fully (except locker/closet doors), and can even close exit doors without it being a ghost event or a hunt.


  • Ghost Orb
  • Freezing Temperatures
  • D.O.T.S Projector